{Papa Family & Co | Holiday Portrait Session | Agua Caliente Tucson, AZ | November 2011}
I met Andrea (Papa) Malinowski over the summer at Tucson Refugee Ministry's Kids Camp 2011. Her servants heart and incredible patience with her kids were the things that most struck me about this woman. It almost bothered me. I repeatedly wondered, 'how is it POSSIBLE to be so cheerful, giving, endlessly energetic and willing to serve with FIVE KIDS IN TOW??!' But her kids are great, her family is incredible, and her husband Chris leads with a joy and gentleness that warmed my heart so much. With her extended family visiting from out of town, we nailed a large family session over the Thanksgiving weekend to capture the bonding and captivating spirit of these sweet new friends. | lkm
I love how the girls are thrilled and the 2 little boy look....confused. :)
Little Isaiah is probably one of the cutest kids I've ever laid eyes on.
Matthew had enough energy for all of us...and then some!
Elizabeth was a more quiet subject...but when we got her up in a tree and playing with cousins, she lit up!
Like Father like son
Grandma & Grandpa seemed delighted to snag a few sweet memories with the kids.
When i stole them away for a few sweetheart pics, they jumped right in--no hesitations, no whining, no complaining that they were too old to be romantic. They just smooched away. And i giggled (very professionally mind you) the whole time.
There were 3 generations of Joe's. You can only imagine how hard--and hilarious--that makes directing when doing a family photo session.
Medium Joe's family was stinkin' cute.
Our attempt to take pictures with the dog (his name escapes me. probably 'joe') despite the fact that there was a flock of ducks waddling directly behind me. I tried to explain that they were not conducive to a photo shoot, but they just quacked at me. the nerve.
Andrea, you may never really understand how, even in our short time as friends, you have taught me -- modeled for me -- much about grace. I hope we are friends for a very long time.