This family is so much fun. 2 years ago we did family pictures in a more earthy setting (go here to see that family portrait session at Agua Caliente. Boy have those girls grown since!) So this time around they chose to go urban, fun natural. And boy oh boy, did those little girls crank up the charm! Scott and (whom he affectionately calls) his "Appleman Chicklets" just giggled a whole bunch. I pretty much want to print a HUGE version of that picture of their whole family laughing at each other in the alley. Like Kitchen-Table Huge. Hear that Janice? K, good. | lkm
Sophia | tucson lifestyle newborn moments
{Sophia | Lifestyle Newborn Moments | Tucson, AZ | January 2013} I've titled this blog very intentionally: 'lifestyle newborn moments' :) Seriously. Newborn photography is NOT my forte. In fact, I have a grip of newborn photographers I am UBER eager to refer any expecting mom to (email me). Newborn photography is an incredibly fine art in and of itself. You know--the time, patience and intense fine skill and prep to nail those BOMB pinterest images that make mommies swoon all over the planet? Babies posing in perfect sleepy poses with heads propped in their hands or cuddled up in ball of perfection. Yup. Never gotten there. NEVER.
I called up my friend, Missy, yesterday to see if i could swing by and just capture a few moments of 'little-ness.' It wasn't fancy. I have no props. I haven't any fancy backdrops or monkey hats or cool fluffy pilllows perfect for these things. I just wanted to snatch a few moments in this stage of Sophia's first week where newness abounds. So with GPS in hand and a bit o' dinner love in tow, I paid a visit. I hugged Drew & Missy, conversed a little with new-big-sister Emma, gushed over Sophia and snatch a few real moments with the family. (beat) This whole welcoming-new-life into the world is intense. Motherhood is intense. The tiny-ness and abandonment of self is insane...crazy, crazy beautiful. (moment to weep a little inside my heart with how big of a deal these thoughts are) (anyways) Love you Montagues! Welcome Sophia! | lkm