Gifting dudes is hard. Finding a gift or party presentation that doesn’t scream “my lady friend helped me with this” is a tough task. So when got in touch with me, it was a vendor collab I couldn’t resist. They sent me a bag to sample and said, “only if you like it, vouch for us and say something cool and you can keep it.” So i got it, the COMBAT COOLER SPECIFICALLY and gifted it to my husband with the question… do you think men would like this?
The monogram, the color, the fit and the style of the bag is masculine, well built, well lined and waterproof. Considering that my husband has used it as a cooler MULTIPLE times for a couple evenings camping and fireside with some whiskey and good conversation—this is not manipulated opinion. My man loved the color and said, “yea, that would be a sweet gift to get as a dude.” Success! And legit fist bump to this crazy intentional company who actually says great product for an audience of men hoping they might get a gift as cool as the girls’ . Come on guys, we can do better. Wow and woo with AND check out the rest of their recent updated inventory!