Makayla, Laura & Gavyn flew into Austin thursday night before Dollar Wedding Weekend kicked off! We grabbed a rental car and skiddadled over to Pennybacker Bridge where the couple, Eric & Katie, had asked to do their sweetheart / day-before / kinda-sorta engagement sunrise session the next morning! We scouted the area and noted shadows, parking, greenery that tickled our fancy, watched the light play on the rocks on the side of Lake Austin (i.e. Colorado River) and then made our way back to our AirBnB.
The next morning we met up for the engagement session at PennyBacker Bridge and met Eric & Katie's fur baby Bean. (he may or may not have a ridiculously cute instagram page :D). There was a thin layer of cloud cover that softened the rich greens and rugged browns of the mountains. Eric & Katie were relaxed and...well...just couldn't keep their hands off eachother :)

To see Eric + Katie's wedding day go here!