I write this while sitting in the parking lot of a closed-due-to-Covid19 Starbucks slurping their wifi and enjoying the alone space. I’ve got tears all sparkly in my eyes. These are unprecedented times with an enormous amount of fear and unknowns circulating. A gift that I’ve experienced in all of it as has been the space provided for our family. Homeschooling started yesterday and we are clumsily working through a new normal we haven’t quite figured out. It’s a strange tension of space to be still and hunker into contentment no-matter how twitch-worthy or lonely. It’s also provided the space to reflect and take inventory of treasures…
This session is valuable because the images are both cathartic and an anchor. Also, they are precious memory markers for our time with Leah—our sweet friend who came to live with us 3.5 years ago. We’ve gone through hell and high-water together in those years and loving her and growing as adults, humans, women, friends—it can be quite breathtaking to count the ways life was shared when you live with someone. It can also be scary to transition when it is time. Leah transitioned so well this February. This portrait session was an intentional gift from her—a last hurrah and timeless nod to a chapter in both of our lives. This was the final dance before the chapter turn when she moved out.
Also note — this whole session experience was a gift from Leah. She flew her sister in law, the phenomenal Rae Barber Fine Art Photo & Film, in from Denver and treated us to pictures in the desert and dinner afterwards. How lavish the love a friend is when they LEAN IN even when it is hard and unknown. We love you Leah! // Laura & the Mob of Moores

Thank you for these treasures miss Rae Barber — what a gift this session was, is and forever will be. We love them so much! // Moore Family