{Lauren | Ventana Canyon Couture Bridal Session | Tucson Wedding Photographer}
Lauren's grandmother MADE her incredible wedding dress. Jaw-dropping right? Hand-laced. Hand-loved. I haven't been able to do very many bridal sessions and it was extraordinary. The ability to relax, capture these still moments in this one of a kind dress, laugh and giggle a bit with the bride-to-be, practice moving and enjoying her wedding dress ...it was really special. I'm so glad we did this Lauren. I'm so glad you took the time and thought to honor your grandma and all the sweat, blood and tears that went into this piece of art. You are a joy. | lkm
We specifically wanted to get pictures of grandma actually working on the dress...
and of course grandpa got to sneak in a kiss as well :)
and then we went to go enjoy some of the glowy sunset up in the foothills of the catalina mountains