{My 2 Black Eyed Pees in a Pod | Dunnellon, Florida | Halloween Memories 2011}
I just choked on my gum when i realized that i had never posted pictures from Halloween this year. In fact, i haven't posted anything really personal in a while. So instead of putting it off and just letting them sit in my 'cool pictures the dummy never posted,' I thought I'd spill a few inside scoops of the Moore Clan's holiday experiences. And we're going to start with my FAVORITE holiday of all: Halloween. (insert sarcasm) The best part, hands down, however, was the costumes. Judah & Jordyn were 2 Black Eyed Pees in a Pod...
My cousin-in-law, Rikki the Creative Genius (her official name I've decided) made her kid's own costumes. Check these out...
Grace was a peacock. SO cool...
Ryland was a dragon...isn't that SO stinkin' creative?! I mean, she used a flippin' swimming NOODLE for the dragon spine. high five mom, high five.
Kayden was a stellar mummy...
No. Halloween is NOT my favorite holiday nor is Trick-or-Treating the best activity i've ever thought to do with my kids. I was quite confident that i'd turn around while wandering around Vogt Springs and have to peel Judah from underneath the belly-side of the wagon he was riding in. I mean, toddlers are just barely beginning to imagine and create stories and characters in their head when all of sudden you toss 'em into a good community neighborhood event that involves zombies slobbering over 'welcome' signs and horrific screams coming from half-closed tombs in spider-web infested, smoke-spewing front yards. I'd pee my pants too.
But regardless of this highly-opinionated mom's perspective of the festivities, the Richardson Twins stole a bazillion double-takes as they confidently strolled down the street side by side...
The kids ate it up! All of it. Literally--completely taken with the idea of shoving their faces full of candy. The one night a year, i'm sure, that all mom's throw concerns of teeth, bedtime and a 2 foot tall human being's ability to contain a pound of sugar to the wind. 'Sure kid! Eat Up! You and your pillow-padded tummy and smeared black eye-liner are too cute to say no to. I'll clean up your vomit later."
The suckers were the best part of it all. Judah and Jordyn had 10. i'm sure. And half of them ended up half-eaten and oozing at the bottom of their pumpkin pails. It was awesome. The next morning we picked apart the 'un-oozed' candy from the 'oozed and destroyed' wads of cavities-cough-i mean, treats.
Ok. Aside from the left-hook sassy remarks about Halloween, I actually had a good time watching the kids experience the whole thing. It was a treat to spend time with cousins and do Halloween in 'Vogt Springs' style. Small town neighborhood events like these are special--everybody knows everybody else. I like being able to walk down a street and wave and talk to everybody i see. Of course i try to do that wherever i go, but apparently Tucson has yet to warm up to that over-zealous friendliness. :)
Anyways, thank you RICHARDSONS for the treat of an experience AND the treats that are rotting in my kids faces. (not really) I'm gonna treasure these pictures forever. :D | lkm
And if you so feel like getting in on the memory fun, post a link to your Halloween Memories post below!...