{Tyler + Megan | Engagement Session | North Tucson | April 2012} There is something super sweet about leaving an engagement session overjoyed for the couple you just shot. I watched eyeballs light up and laughter dance even over the silly things and left Tyler + Megan's session with a HUGE smile on my face. AND--that's EVEN after my phone fell out of my camera bag and shattered its screen in the parking lot seconds before I met up with the couple--a fantastic way to glaze over that travesty! Here are a few highlights from our time together - PART ONE. (Stay tuned for PART TWO later this week :D)they really got into their dancing... (song playing softly in my head "when a man loves a woman...") Tyler's top favorite food is Pizza. And this particular parlor is one of their favorites. these stairs were SO cool. :Done of my absolute favorite collections of images... :) "tyler can you just grab that woman and embrace her please."...yes, thank you. check out her eyes!! PART TWO coming soon... :D