MICAH | Musician Meets Mad Men | Urban-Styled Tucson Senior Portraits

 {Micah | Senior Portraits | April 2012 | Tucson, AZ } This kid is so suave. Literally--my husband came bounding home after a shift at Starbucks uber excited to tell me he found a rad Senior client for me. He began to sing accolades about Micah's chill sense of humor and ability to carry on conversation--you know, little things that a regular customer/barista relationship can establish. His mom set the session up, I met Micah in downtown on a blistering hot late afternoon. He was down with caravaning around 4th/5th street finding a wicked cool building that the sun was hitting just right. We stopped near this wearhouse, i gave him the basic run down of how 'a guy looks cool in senior pictures' and we hung out for the next hour or two playing with different poses, backdrops, wardrobes, inside jokes, etc. I was thankful for the extra time Micah and his mom chose to invest in. It really made a difference in the session experience. I felt like I reached a myriad of emotional expressions, we weren't rushed, we laughed a ton, we're able to relax... it was a blessing to be trusted with these milestone pictures! | lkm

"now...Micah, i want you to jump off that step with your top best air guitar impression" i love the composition of the two pics below. maybe it's just how the colors work against the sky...i dunno... i vote album cover...headshots below are probably top fave :) Micah just naturally slid into 'subject' role and was awesome to shoot...