"Seeing her walk down the aisle... it was like seeing her for the first time all over again." - Kris
If you didn't catch PART ONE of Kris & Kristen's wedding day, you probably should. Between the girl's giddiness and a super special first moment together, there was an immense amount of anticipation hanging in the air! Again, shout out to The Vineyards for being one of the most beautiful posh little garden venues I've ever seen. There is this brick path all the way down to the garden area looking up into this lush weeping willow cluster of green and life where Kristen was to meet her groom. The moments down this pathway were some of my favorites. The way the girls straightened up and walked carefully, perfectly. The way the guys stood tall. The way her mom laughed with her son and how the ring bearers were so, so very good at their job. :) And then Kristen's moments with her dad. The way his eyes glistened, the way you could audibly hear her heart pounding....and then he saw her...

Check out the PARTAY that followed the sunbeams!